Sunday, October 14
Reception of the Park Hotel Sankt Peterburg, Plovdiv
Registration of participants
Welcome Event
Monday, October 15,
Hall Druzhba of the Park Hotel Sankt Peterburg, Plovdiv
8:30 - 10:00
Chairman: Lilyana Nacheva
10:30 – 11:00
Avanzato, D. - Role of Man and Climate change on the erosion of PGRs and actions to protect them, with special focus to Nuts
11:00 – 11:20
Bozhkova, V. - Study of natural habitats of fruit species in the region of the village 'Stanchov han', Northern Bulgaria
11:20 – 11:40
Macit, I. - Local apple cultivars in Western Black Sea Region in Turkey
11:40 – 14:00
Picture and Lunch
14:00 – 14:20
Martinussen, I. - Nordic wild berries - properties and potential
14:20 – 14:40
Mezhenskyj, V. - Сollecting sorboid plants for their horticultural merit and use in breeding work in Ukraine
14:40 – 15:00
Treesaksri, S. - Effect of NAA and BA on Leaf culture of Paphiopedilum niveum Reichenb.Pfitz
15:00 – 15:20
Park, Y. - Phenolic compounds and free sugars in the fruit of hawthorn (Crataegus pinnaitifida Bunge) selected from wild in Korea
15:20 – 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 – 18:00
Poster presentation and discussion
Tuesday, October, 16
Chairman: Valentina Bozhkova
9:00 – 9:20
Serbezova, D. - Old local Bulgarian pear varieties
9:20 – 9:40
Vahdati, K. - The role of chilling requirements and heat accumulation on the late-leafing walnut cultivars
9:40 – 10:00
Demirsoy, L. - Local sweet cherry cultivars from Amasya in Turkey
10:00 – 11:00
Demirsoy, H. - Identification of the genetic relationship between local cultivars and some sweet cherries
Uckun, A. - The effects of chemical fruit thinning on yield and quality in Gemlik olive variety
11:40 – 12:00
Aydin, E. - Propagation of some mahaleb genotypes as a candidate rootstock for cherries in vitro
12:00 – 14:00
Demirsoy, L. - Cracking resistance of sweet cherry genotypes in Kerasun (preliminary results)
Demirsoy, H. - Evaluation as dwarf rootstock of some sweet cherry genotypes from Turkey
Malchev, S. - Pomological studies of Bulgarian cultivars and forms of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.)
15:00 – 15:40
15:40 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
19:30 - 23:00
Wednesday, October, 17
Fruit Growing Institute and Old town of Plovdiv
9:00 - 11:00
Visit of the Fruit Growing Institute – Plovdiv where you will be able to see our trial orchards and the oldest pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis )
11:00 - 13:00
Visit to old town of Plovdiv with a professional guide
PP 1
J. Pumnuan, T. Sannongmueang, T. Inyod and A. Insung - Insecticidal properties of bastard oleaster (Elaeagnus Latifolia L.) Extracts against diamondback moth (Plutella Xylostella L.)
PP 2
T. Sannongmueang, J. Pumnuan, T. Inyod and A. Insung - Effectiveness of bastard oleaster (Elaeagnus Latifolia L.) Extracts against the nymph of mealybug (phenacoccus manihoti matile-ferrero)
PP 3
Z. Rankova, T. Moskova and M. Tityanov - Some weeds species' better than pharmaceutical products
PP 4
N. Giugea, D. C. Calugaru, L. C. Maracineanu and S. Gorjan - Study on the evaluation of autochthonous genetic resoueces of vine in Drăgăşani vineyard - Romania
PP 5
A. Zhivondov, S. Malchev, K. Vasileva, S. Pandova and Y. Bozhikova - Biometric characteristics and chemical composition of local forms of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)
PP 6
S. Levchenko, V. Volynkin, A. Polulyakh, I. Vasylyk and V. Likhovskoi - Autochthonous grape species, varieties and cultivars of Crimea
PP 7
M. Nesheva, V. Bozhkova and S. Milusheva - ˈSilistrenska rannaˈ Bulgarian local cultivar in apricot breeding
PP 8
S. Cosmulescu and F. G. Calusaru - Phenotypic variability of wild plum fruits (Prunus Spinosa L.) in genotypes from spontaneous flora in Southern Oltenia, Romania
PP 9
S. Cosmulescu, F. Scrieciu and O. Iordanescu - Some pomological and physical characteristics of medlar (Mespilus Germanica L.) genotypes
PP 10
Y. Park, Jae-Hee Kim, Sea-Hyun Kim and Yong-Wook Kim - Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and total phenolics in Korean wild hardy kiwi (Actinidia Arguta) during fruit ripening
PP 11
S. Kim, M. S. Kim, Y. K. Kim and Y. Park - Flower morphological characteristics of selected population and estimation of selection effect of Cornus officinalis S. et Z
PP 12
S. Kim, K. M. Seop, Y. K. Kim and Y. Park - Development of seeds, fruits, and floral buds of Dendropanax Morbifera LEV
PP 13
S. Radicevic, S. Maric, R. Cerovic, N. Milosevic and S. M. Paunovic - In situ characterization of some sweet and sour cherry autochthonous genotypes in West Serbia region
PP 14
S. Maric, S. Radicevic, N. Milosevic, M. Lukic and M. Djordjevic - The polymorphism of acs1 and aco1 genes in some malus species
PP 15
M. A Ockun, Y. C. Gerçek, G. C. Oz, L. Demirsoy, I. Macit, E. Aydin and H. Demirsoy - Antioxidant capacity and phytochemical properties of local sweet cherries in North Anatolia
PP 16
Z. Rankova and N. Prodanova-Marinova - Phytotoxic response of the traditional grapevine variety Bolgar to the herbicide lumax 538 sc and its overcoming
PP 17
N. Christov, D. Serbezova and A. Stoeva - Bulgarian old local sweet cherry varieties
PP 18
S. Gandev, V. Nikolova, D. Dimanov, P. Ivanov and A. Dimitrov - Walnut propagation of local varieties and forms by in vitro techniques and hot callus method
PP 19
S. Gandev - Agrobiological evaluation of the local walnut cultivars Izvor 10 and Sheynovo in the climatic conditions of southern Bulgaria
PP 20
S. Levchenko, E. Ostroukhova, V. Likhovskoi, V. Volynkin, I. Peskova and I. Vasylyk - The dynamics of the phenolic complex of grapes during ripening: comparison of Crimean autochthonous and classical cultivars
PP 21
L. Nacheva - In vitro establishment and culture of caucasian whorthleberry (Vaccinium Arctostaphylos L.)
PP 22
L. Nacheva, P. Gercheva, A. Zhivondov and S. Malchev - Improvement of the rooting of micropropagated Pistacia Terebinthus L
PP 23
H. Gao, H. Chen, H. Mu, Q. Han and W. Wu - Oxidative deterioration of hickory (Carya Cathayensis SARG.) and development of anti-oxidation control technology
PP 24
K. Vahdati and S. S. Khorami - Exploration and exploitation of walnut genetic diversity to control late-spring frost in walnut trees